Click the trim option from Edit & Create, and drag the blue knob to the sections you want to keep. Click the Create button to start a video editing project. Add the video into the Photos app, or right-click on the video to open with the Photos app. You can use the Trim feature to split your video. It can trim your movie in an easy way such that you can highlight the best part. Through it, you can view and edit your videos and photos.

Photos is a default and free app on Microsoft Windows Operating System. All the sections marked blue/dark gray will be preserved, while light gray sections will be removed. When you are done, click run to save the video. Repeat step 2 to split and cut more sections. Drag the green knobs to the start and end point of the section you want to split, and click the orange Cut button. After adding video into VideoProc Converter, click the Cut option. How to Split Video to Remove Unwanted Parts You can follow this guide of ours to figure out how to merge videos together.

So VideoProc Converter is not just a video splitter, but also a video joiner. This is a tool that can help you combine video segments into a new file. Tip: You may have noticed that there is a Merge feature in the Toolbox already. Now you are back on the homepage, check the Auto Copy feature for no re-encoding, and lastly, just click the RUN button to let VideoProc Converter start doing the rest work.